Online Activity Past

Drawing Together

Vernal Equinox

Drawing Together
March 19, 2020

Polly Apfelbaum. Funky Specials, 2003. Unique color Polaroid print. Courtesy of the artist. Exhibited in What Does Love Have To Do With It, 2003, MassArt Bakalar & Paine Galleries.

While MAAM is temporarily closed, we are hosting our first virtual Drawing Together! Join us on social media to share your creations with us and each other by tagging @maamboston or #MAAMDrawingTogether.

Today is the Vernal Equinox! This means that the earth’s axis is perpendicular to the sun’s light and everyone in the world has a twelve hour day and twelve hour night. It also marks the onset of spring. What signs of spring have you observed? Observation can be a great source of inspiration for artmaking.

Grab some paper, colored pencils, markers, or crayons and make a drawing. It might be something that illustrates your activities during the day or at night or anything inspired by spring!

We will post our Drawing Together themes every Thursday.

Polly Apfelbaum. Funky Specials, 2003. Unique color Polaroid print. Courtesy of the artist. Exhibited in What Does Love Have To Do With It, 2003, MassArt Bakalar & Paine Galleries.

Past Events


The MAAM site is set in MAAM Sans drawn by Nick Sherman (MassArt ’06), Beatrice by Sharp Type, and Stellar by Pangram Pangram.

The site was designed by MassArt alumnæ at Moth Design, written by 43,000 Feet, and developed by pod consulting.

“Our People” shot by Dolphin Photography.