Online Activity Past

Drawing Together

Drawing with Thread

Drawing Together
April 9, 2020

Joana Vasconcelos. Valkyrie Mumbet, 2020. Installation view: MassArt Art Museum (MAAM). Photo: Will Howcroft.

While MAAM is temporarily closed, we are hosting a virtual Drawing Together! Share your creations with us and each other on social media by tagging @maamboston or #MAAMDrawingTogether.

This activity is inspired by MAAM’s site-specific installation Valkyrie Mumbet by Portuguese artist Joana Vasconcelos. Celebrating women’s labor, the artwork features crochet, handmade lace, and LED lights sewn onto assorted fabrics including capulana, velvet, and polyester.

This week we're drawing with thread! Join us and create your own sewn drawing on paper. Any paper will do, but cardstock or heavyweight paper works best. If you have embroidery floss you can use that, but a double strand of sewing thread will also work.

1. Create a simple design on your paper.

2. Using a needle, poke holes every ¼” along the line of your design.

3. Now you are ready to sew! Use a simple stitch to outline your design.

Paper Embroidery Instruction 1


Paper Embroidery Instruction 2

Joana Vasconcelos. Valkyrie Mumbet, 2020. Installation view: MassArt Art Museum (MAAM). Photo: Will Howcroft.

Past Events


The MAAM site is set in MAAM Sans drawn by Nick Sherman (MassArt ’06), Beatrice by Sharp Type, and Stellar by Pangram Pangram.

The site was designed by MassArt alumnæ at Moth Design, written by 43,000 Feet, and developed by pod consulting.

“Our People” shot by Dolphin Photography.