A Celebration of Authentic Expression
October 5, 2023–May 19, 2024
Freedom Baird M’16
Paul S. Briggs M’16
Nancy Callan ’96
Cedric “Vise1” Douglas ’11
Rashin Fahandej ’06
Kate Finneran ’92
Stephen Hamilton ’09
Maya Hayuk ’91
Gail Hendricks-Hill ’75
Steve Locke ’97, M’01, H’22
Christian Marclay ’80
Chandra Méndez-Ortiz M’05
Tony Millionaire ’81
Felipe Ortiz ’09
Shannon Palmer ’92
Loretta Park M’16
Jack Pierson ’86
Luther Price ’87
Erin M. Riley ’07
Heather Rowe ’93
Mark Skwarek ’01 and Joseph Hocking
Mimi Smith ’63
Corinne Spencer ’10
Richard Streitmatter-Trần ’03
Tabboo! ’81
Kathleen White ’86
Jackie Winsor ’65
Ezra Wube ’04
Bahar Yürükoğlu M’11
Zhidong Zhang M’20